Dealing With Acne: How To Do It?

If you're reading this then you probably have some problems in how to deal with acne. First and foremost, it is not the food that causes the zits - in most cases. Acne normally arises when your skin pores get clogged up by dead skin cells or oil from oil-based cosmetics and/or facial lotions. It can also be because your skin-type is oily. Oily skin also has its benefits such as a younger look and it feels great too.
However, if your acne is bothering you that much that you really need to improve on it, then I have some tips here for you to deal with it.
Nowadays there are so many causes of- and treatments for acne that is hard to understand and pinpoint what exactly is the real cause for it, because every person is different and reacts different on cures and treatments.
Omega-3 and Acne
It is believed by some scientist that Omega-3 will help you get rid of Acne, however they have not been able to prove a direct link. The scientist I am talking about has done research wherein they have studied five people with acne, from the age of 18 to the age of 23. They gave these sufferers of acne a supplement which contained a dose of Omega-3s. They have been following the five sufferers for over a period of two months, and noted a significant decrease in the acne that they were suffering.
At the beginning of this paragraph I wrote '' not able to provide a direct link " because these scientist also consider the fact that this could have been due to a placebo-effect.
Antibiotics and Acne
Products buyable without a prescription, such as Clearasil or -name your pick here- prove adequate enough for most people to control their acne. This is however generally a short-term strategy, and in the long-term these products end up being useless and a waste of your time, effort and money. If you really are in need of help you should visit your dermatologist who can give you more accurate info, but don't take everything dermatologists say for a fact, either. As I said, there are so many causes of- and treatments for acne that you just have to try to find what works for you and in some cases a dermatologist will not be able to give you the answers you are looking for. Acne medications tend to affect people differently on skin type, classification and severity. To get a good result for your treatment you should wait at least up to 4 to 6 weeks to see if there is any improvement before switching to a different method (imho, you should wait longer, but that is really up to you). Patience is a virtue when combatting acne.
Here are some more tips for you to help you prevent or reduce acne, use these tips at your own risk - and with some research, of course!
  1. Look for products labeled "non-comedogenic". What this means, is that the product is water-based and thus not oil-based. This can help reducing the clogging of your pores.

  2. Wash your face twice a-day with warm water, to clear dead skin cells.

  3. If you do any sport-activities that involves wearing a hat or anything else that you put on your head, wash it before your wear it each time! This also includes a headband.

  4. Drink water, don't overdo it, but make sure you get enough every day. It depends on the person how much water you need. Water helps your digestive tract moving and ensures that your skin is not burdened by wastes that your bodily system can't handle.

  5. Get enough nutrients for your skin, this means keep it cool on the fat and sugar. I know I said that Acne has nothing to do with your diet, but eating healthier means you will feel better and feeling better gives you less stress and less stress, in turn, means less acne!

  6. Got Allergy? Some food allergies cause acne, some things that most people tend to eat are things such as dairy products. Try and do a test for allergies - you might find out something you didn't know before.

  7. Dirty skin is the creator of acne in many cases, so try and avoid dirty environments. Clean your bed-sheets once a week and keep your room clean.

  8. Did you think the sun is good for your skin? Well, it's not, the sun serves for masking your acne temporarily it has no added benefits. Get some sun, but don't overdo it and definitely don't do it just to get rid of your acne.
Remember, patience is a virtue when combatting acne.