Even if you are careful not to squeeze pimples, if you do not keep your hands off of your face it will be difficult in fighting acne. You may wash your hands frequently, but bacteria can still be spread by clean hands. You may have altered your diet and use the best topical treatments and still have a problem controlling it. So, here are some tips to help you avoid touching your face, which is the number one reason acne spreads.
Avoid The Chin Rest
If you are like me, then you rest your chin on you hand while sitting at the table. When fighting acne, take note of your posture and sit up straight. (This is good for us anyway). Make a conscious effort to avoid the chin rest and you will see it is not easy at first, because it is a habit and habits are hard to break! Just as you may have a habit of sitting a certain way on a chair or some people twirl the hair without even thinking about it.
Post Reminders
Buy some sticky notes and put a reminder here and there where you will see it at home or the office, and change the location frequently so you do not learn to ignore them. A simple don't touch or hands off may do the trick. Something you will know what it means.
Carry Tissues
Grab a tissue if you feel the need to touch your face, like having that little itch on the nose or cheek. Tissue is helpful when fighting acne as it will not spread bacteria. Remember to throw it away after! You may be able to find some medicated tissues to help fight bacteria even more.
Enlist A Watchful Eye
If you are living with someone, tell them to keep an eye out for you touching your face and to remind you not to do it. It does work, and soon you will condition yourself to leave the face alone without being reminded.
Wash The Hands
Keep your hands clean. This is so easy to overlook if you are in a hurry. Carry hand sanitizer if you are unable to use a restroom sink after touching stair railings, door knobs, elevator buttons or other surfaces many people touch also.
Try A New Treatment
If you are having a real hard time fighting acne with over the counter creams, perhaps it is time to try something new. Visit your dermatologist and discuss other treatment options that may be available. Just because something is working for a friend of yours doesn't necessarily mean it will be the right treatment plan for your situation.
The simplest thing you can do when fighting acne is not touch your face. Make some observations when out in public and see just how many people touch their face constantly in one way or another, brushing the hair back, rubbing the eye, etc. you'll be amazed.
Stefanie Avon of StopAcneAdvice.com, specializes in helping you naturally rid your face and body of acne and zits without expensive creams and lotions which all have side affects. Stefanie, a skin dermatologist by trade constantly reviews new resources that help you discover the most effective acne cures that work! Turn your life around and start living again without an embarrassing acne problem. Check out actual user reviews and feedback of the most popular acne cure resources at StopAcneAdvice.com [http://www.stopacneadvice.com].